Polite Till I Bite

Awhile back, I was in desperate need of a creative outlet. I had been so busy styling other people's concepts, family shoots, blog shoots etc. that I needed to do something for myself. Don't get me wrong, I love doing all of those things! But if you're a creative, you get me when I say that you need to do something for yourself every now and then.

I hadn't created something of my own in quite some time, I had so many ideas in my head I felt like my brain was going to explode if I didn't find a way to express myself. I ended up texting my girl Kelsey, and she felt like it was prime time to do something just for fun as well. I went over to her cute little house and we just started experimenting, brainstorming ideas, and having fun. The end result of the shoot was totally different than what we had initially planned. Honestly though, its the photos you don't plan, that end up being your absolute favorites.

My original idea was to base the concept off of the shirt, "Polite Till I Bite" which fun fact about me, I have always been a biter, ever since I was little, I would get frustrated or over excited and bite my sister. So my MOM actually saw this shirt when we were shopping in Cali and thought it was funny and told me I should get it. Anyway, I wanted to incorporate fruit and just a really chill and retro vibe. Hence the ~grainy~ editing style.

After we chilled in the kitchen and I stuck my butt all over their counters, we decided to go reaaaal retro with Kelsey's pink tub! Like whaaaaat? How perfect is that!? I will do just about anything for a cool shot, so I got all wet (while trying to keep my makeup intact) and express ourselves we did!

If you're a creative, make sure you make time to create things for yourself. It's easy to get caught up in the working part of your art, but don't forget what made you fall in love with doing it in the first place. Take the time to create for yourself, however that may look. It is so soothing to the soul. 

Photos x Kelsey Marie Photo

Makeup x Edipel Ramsdell & Amanda Lampert