Dear Santa...

"Dear Santa,

 I can explain..."

So after finals finished, my brain literally shut off and I forgot I had such a thing as responsibilities. But now that the Christmas shopping is all done, wrapping is completed, and I've had my tea, I finally have a moment to sit down and work on a blog post!

After all this Christmas shopping, I feel like Kristen Wiig's character from Bridesmaids during the scene on the airplane... "Help me I'm poooor..." But hey, I'm excited to give everyone their gifts. As a shopaholic though, Christmas shopping can be difficult. Everywhere you turn, you want to buy yourself something. So it takes a lot of discipline to walk out of a store with nothing you purchased for yourself...

Now I must admit, I did fail a few times... But I did so good in some of the other stores! I think I deserved to splurge on this sweatshirt. Right? Right.

Ever since I stumbled upon Topshop at Nordstrom, It has been my weakness. I saw this sweatshirt, needed it, loved it, bought it. So if you're female, and you've never experienced Topshop, I highly recommend you do. As for the dudes out there, Topman is literally all you need. I promise. 

Thanks for reading, & Merry Christmas everyone!