One of my favorite shows is Sex in the City, (I'm watching it right now actually...) The reason why I say that is cause I totally felt like Carrie during this shoot in the intro of each show when she's running around the streets of Manhattan with the little catchy theme song playing.
Sex in the City is funny, entertaining, and can be a bit graphic. But it also has some scenes that have created memorable quotes, one of my favorites is... "Enjoy yourself…that’s what your 20’s are for. Your 30’s are to learn the lessons. Your 40’s are to pay for the drinks." And boy, am I trying to enjoy myself. Just a heads up, this blog post is going to lean more on the personal side, which I usually save my personal posts for my editorial shoots/blog posts, but this topic just fits the bill.
I've been told on numerous occasions that I have an old soul, I enjoy making friends with old people at random places, and my Facebook age test told me I was 46... So, I'm a weird 21-year-old, but I like it. With that though, I have this constant desire to accelerate my life. I worry that I am doing nothing with my life and am just wasting it away. I'm worried that I'll miss what God has planned for me, and I'll look back on my life and be disappointed in myself and be sad that my life didn't turn out how I pictured it would. Ha that got dark, but these are seriously some of my greatest fears and I know there are plenty of you out there that fear the same things as me; but no one wants to admit it, because we are all obsessed with making it look like we totally have our lives together. #livingmybestlife!
It's funny cause one of my closest friends, who is also in her early 20's, is feeling the same way. Her and I both feel like something in our life is missing, or we aren't doing enough. But what I have come to realize, is that I have become very restless. I had a little meltdown moment in the car with my boyfriend and I just word vommited all of my emotions about this onto him. He slapped me with some truth though that's for sure. First off... he had to remind me I'm only 21 and that I am doing pretty darn good for that age. He also reminded me that we all have a process, and whether I like it or not, this season that I am in is an important part of the process. There are things to learn, and experiences to grow from. I've decided to put an end to my restlessness... it is SO EASY to say "Oh ya I trust God, he's got me" but if we fully did trust Him, then we wouldn't be so stressed about life all the time! So, I am making a whole hearted effort, to replace the restlessness with peace, faith, and contentment.
I honestly wasn't planning on sharing any of this, I don't really like to get this personal on my blog cause its supposed to be about happy things like fashion! But once I started typing I couldn't stop. So maybe someone else needed to hear this too. Don't let the fear of the future get in the way of you enjoying the now. Be content in your season, but not so content that you become stagnant. Just remember; none of us have it all together, it's not a competition, and if you do your part and trust your process, God makes it work out in the end.
And for those of you who ignore what I write, I hope you like the pictures : )